Monthly Archives: May 2015

Paparazzi Photo Ambush Caused Bruce Jenner’s Fatal Accident.

Blame the PAPPARAZZI Ambush! This was a clear setup by the Papparazi. Their posted video coverage was way too good just before the accident as he approached. It had to be an ambush. Otherwise, why would the video start before Bruce’s vehicle struck the other vehicles? This clearly indicates they were planted in place in ambush while the driver of the small black Prius car applied the brakes and stopped for no other reason than to stop Bruce where the cameras could video him. The Black Prius did not go into the center turn lane to prepare for any turns. It stopped in the #1 fast lane. The plan was very badly performed because the driver of the small Black Prius stopped too fast and the white car in between them had to stop even FASTER. Bruce could not possibly slow that heavy vehicle and trailer quickly enough while avoiding a “Jack-Knife” Bruce did all he could do, and did it well. The white car was in between Bruce and the little black Prius car that clearly only stopped FOR PURPOSES OF THE PAPPARAZZI. The black Prius stopped quickly with nothing ahead, but the white car stopped even faster, trying to leave lots of room in front, wondering what was wrong with the Black Prius Car and driver. Yes, When seeing the black Prius car braking for no apparent reason the white car stopped even faster to give the Black Prius car room. This faster white car stop meant Bruce could not possibly avoid hitting the white car from behind, pushing it into oncoming traffic. Unfortunately, the white car turned a bit left while braking, most likely thinking something had entered the road from the right to cause the black Prius car to stop. This lined up the white car to be pushed into opposing traffic as bruce had no possibility of stopping before hitting the white car and on to hit the Black car too. BOTTOM line is that the paparazzi set up a photo trap with a plan to have the black Prius car stop and block Bruce so videos and photos could be taken. These PAPPARAZZI Ambushers were obviously the primary cause for the accident. Things went wrong because no allowance was made for Bruce to stop his heavy big rig and trailer safely. This was made worse when the white car stopped Even FASTER because of panic, wondering what was wrong with the Black Prius car and driver. Bruce had no chance to stop in time, and the white car pointed left in panic, looking for the cause of the Black Prius car stopping. This guaranteed Bruce would push the white car into opposing traffic, with no warning or time for opposing traffic to foot the brake. Blame the PAPPARAZZI Ambush in a conspiracy to block traffic in a dangerous way. The Driver of the Black Prius should be required to take a lie detector test. She had an expired license. Stomping on the brake with vehicles close behind and nothing ahead was intentionally reckless. It was so reckless that Bruce even hit the Black Prius AFTER hitting the White car. This needs much, much more investigation, and a dedicated search for the missing incriminating video, or people who saw it or know about it, as I did.

NOTE:  I have not seen the video since a day or two after after the accident.  They replaced it  online with the bus security cam video within a day. It made me angry that I could not make these comments then on that news site. Was it CNN? BBC? CBS? I seem to recall it was a major news site. Where did it go? It was so very clear what happened in that video. The Bus, whose security cam video was used to replace the one I saw, was too far away and fuzzy and short to make the posted video that I saw. Who else has seen it?  Again, where did that video go? It was only up for about a day. The video I saw was just up to the accident, but did not include it. Then there was video after the accident by what looked like the same camera, looking at the wreckage. All witnesses should be questioned, especially anyone who had a video camera there that day. ANYONE, including those associated with the News or Sensational media.

Forecasting Climate Change Is A Very Complex Process – Something has gone terribly Wrong with Global Warming Models

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Howard Lowe

models-vs-datasets Models have difficulty predicting the current temperature, let alone the future. Source: WSJ

Mother Earth is a dynamic place, constantly changing and evolving. Although it operates in a cyclical manner, the major cycles are not short, falling into a time frame of thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of years. We know that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west on a regular 24-hour cycle, but times vary depending on the season of the year. The Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth, all in a cyclical predictable manner. These phenomena have always intrigued man leading him to seek more knowledge about his surroundings, about the star-filled skies, about his origin, about the future.

For more than a hundred thousand years man has developed into a sophisticated creature, one with ever increasing scientific ‘know how’…

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All UNADJUSTED Global Temperature Series Show Cooling Since Year 2000. Published Adjustments ARE The Warming

Global Temperatures RAW DATA all Authority Sources

Look at the RAW TEMPERATURE DATA USED BY ALL GLOBAL TEMPERATURE AUTHORITIES BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS.  They ALL decline since the year 2001.  Any warming they publish is from ADJUSTMENTS they have made to the data. Note: HADCRUT4 “Raw Data” was actually recycled HADCRUT3 Adjusted Data

See tables of the data for yourself, courtesy of
There are NO Warming trends unless adjustments are the reason.

The Big Global Climate Temperature Data Lie Becomes Official At NOAA

The Big Lie Becomes Official At NOAA

I’ve been warning for months that NOAA was going to claim that 2012 was the hottest year ever, regardless of the actual temperatures. They did it today.

The year 2012 was the warmest on record for the contiguous United States, beating the previous record by a full degree in temperature, a government climate agency said on Tuesday.  Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the average temperature in 2012 in the contiguous United States was 55.3 degrees Fahrenheit (12.94 degrees Celsius), 3.2 degrees above the average recorded during the 20th century and 1.0 degree above 1998, until now the hottest on record.

2012 was hottest year on record in U.S., climate agency says | Reuters

I will do a more complete analysis later, but for now I want you to focus on the bold sentence above, which claims that 1998 used to be the hottest year in the US.

In an article which NASA published in 1999, Hansen showed that 1998 was only the fifth warmest year, after 1934, 1921, 1931 and 1953. In fact, 1998 was 0.6C cooler than 1934.

Science Briefs





Whither U.S. Climate?





By James Hansen, Reto Ruedy, Jay Glascoe and Makiko Sato — August 1999


ScreenHunter_385 Jan. 08 16.20

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?

Over the past decade, NASA and NOAA have continuously altered the temperature record to cool the past and warm the present. Their claims are straight out of Orwell’s 1984, and have nothing to do with science.

Climatologist Summarizes Global Warming As an Investigator.

Here is a link to a summary of what is happening in the search for a complete picture of the Global Warming controversy by a Respected Climatologist.  He has written a book about his findings, based on the Assumption there will be extreme Global Warming.