Tag Archives: Carbon Tax


Portrait of Vladimir Putin

Portrait of Vladimir Putin

A significant hurdle confronting negotiators trying to develop a strong climate agreement in Paris in December comes from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has said “there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia,” as described by Stanislav Belkovsky, a Russian political analyst.

Russia’s pledged carbon dioxide reductions ahead of the Paris talks reflect Putin’s skepticism. They actually amount to an increase in emissions. Russia has said its emissions will be “70 to 75 percent” of 1990 levels by 2030 – which amounts to an increase in emissions from 2012 levels since Russian emissions are currently far below the levels produced in the Soviet era.

Putin’s skepticism dates from the early 2000s, when, according to Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s senior economic advisor at the time, his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate. We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited. It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

 H. Sterling Burnett

In 2004, for the Kyoto Climate Convention, Putin received this Powerpoint Presentation by Russian Climate Scientists and Economists about CO2 Global Warming. See all the Charts and Graphs Presented, Especially the last ones. They still apply Today.

In the Beginning, was the seminal meeting in Kyoto to pressure the industrialized nations of the world pay to do something about the possibility of Human Caused Global Warming. Humans are doing it by burning fossil fuels, as was theorized by the IPCC.  The theory had not yet been proven by the test of time, but had been politicized by Al Gore’s Book and Film “Inconvenient Truth”  The resultant social and political environment urged industrialized nations to take dramatic action because, IF the IPCC was right, immediate action was required to prevent a climate apocalypse, or it would be impossible to stop later.

It was a worthy cause that almost nobody could deny: Limit pollution and Great wealth accumulation from the production and burning of fossil fuels. How could anybody be against that?

But what did non-politicized scientists and economists see when examining the facts?  Be sure to see ALL of the charts and graphs in this Russian presentation especially the last ones showing the science, and then make up your own mind. It is stunning to realize all the predictions made from Global Warming Theory have failed 14+ years later. There still is NO PROOF.


Putin Was Informed on GlobalWarming in 2004

The Guardian News outlet discovered this presentation as it was shown, but not in the main venue. That is not surprising, because even in 2004, the presentation is so clear and definite showing that Humans cannot change the weather using CO2, and that the social and economic damages from trying to do the impossible are, of course, extreme without end. But that was not what the Kyoto Fundraiser was about.Kyoto Protocol and Russia Illarionov-013004html

Here is a link to the Guardian Article of May 19, 2004 with a summary. Below the link is the text of the article it links to:


Summary of 2004 Global Warming Theory to Putin

“Leading Russian scientists told President Vladimir Putin yesterday that the Kyoto emissions treaty discriminates against Russia, would damage its economy and would not significantly reduce global warming, increasing the chance that the Kremlin will refuse to ratify the agreement.

Experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences submitted a report to the Kremlin containing their long-awaited assessment of the scientific virtues of the pact for Russia. The document, according to the Interfax news agency, said: “Its effectiveness in reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in line with the framework convention on the climate change is low.”

The scientists added that global warming was occurring, but that to conclude that “the warming is occurring exclusively due to anthropogenic pollutants, namely, manmade emissions” was questionable.

They said the total benefit to Russia would be a small drop in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air over the next 10 years, but the total cost of the pact’s emission-reduction measures would be “tens of trillions of dollars over a hundred years”.

The report said: “If Russia ratifies the Kyoto protocol, it would have to either reduce its economic growth or buy additional quotas on greenhouse emissions.” The scientists added that Russia’s extreme climate was not taken into account by the protocol.

The report, signed by a fierce Kyoto critic, Yuri Israel, will give Mr Putin the scientific justification he needs to kill off the treaty.

To come into effect, the 1997 protocol must be ratified by at least 55 countries which accounted for 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 1990. After the US and other key states rejected the pact, Russia’s ratification became key for it to come into effect.

Mr Putin has procrastinated over the decision for months, saying he will not sign anything while it remains against Russia’s national interests, yet apparently holding out for last minute concessions from the EU.

His key adviser, Andrei Illarionov, has repeatedly panned the treaty, saying it would amount to an “economic Auschwitz” for growth in Russia, where the Kremlin has ambitiously pledged to double GDP in 10 years.

On Friday, a Russia-EU summit in Moscow will see increased pressure for Russia to sign. Yet Mr Putin is thought to be torn between rejecting the treaty, which could ease Moscow’s frayed relations with Washington and remove perceived constraints on economic growth, and ratifying it, which would improve its standing with the EU, its new, expanding neighbour.

The US is responsible for 24% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, while Russia accounts for 17.4%. Moscow in any case faces a daunting task in meeting treaty requirements, given its legacy of polluting Soviet industries.

The EU, Japan and the rest of the developed world adopted the agreement more than three years ago.”

Annual “COP” fundraisers have put political and social pressure on world governments to continue with these agreements.  These United Nations fundraisers and their extortion funds THEM, and also gets commitments for internal spending that keeps lots of Scientists and Politicians employed.  “Green Energy” projects are subsidized regardless of economic damage to the economy of nations and the consequential higher cost of living for those least able to afford it as their energy bills leap up.  All of this is allowed to continue, as long as nobody challenges the basic assumption that humans and CO2 control the Earth’s Climate despite ample extensive evidence that it does not.

Putin and RUSSIA have been laughing at us since then. So has CHINA and INDIA, because they all saw the same information from their own Scientists and Economists. However,  Political, Social, and Economic extortion by the United Nations IPCC and the United States anti Fossil Fuel movement, has kept them in line… but not for long… as the real climate will “Trump” “Politicized Science”.  Of course, nobody will pay for these transgressions, and that is why they can do it.

We in the United States, and in Russia, and China and India and Europe, and in Australia, did not do independent analysis of the core theory of Human Caused CO2 Global Warming Climate Change… or did we?  The Emperor will soon be exposed as having no clothes, but surely he will not be embarassed.  Instead, he will claim, as usual, that “He knows better than we do what is good for us” despite the damage done.  Who is “He”? look to the United Nations, who created the IPCC, and conspired with the Politicized Scientists they employed, to grab centralized political, social, and economic power worldwide.  There is a touch of evil there. Beware, they will not give up their agenda.

However, the Deadly Cold Mini Iceage predicted by Landscheidt, Smith, and Sharp will be obvious to all by the year 2021. THAT is what to prepare for, not warming.

Here is how the Science Works Consistently with thousands of years of Earth’s Actual Climate

UK HadCRUT, US NASA GISS, US NCDC, AustraliaMet ALL Altered Their Official Temperature Data Records to Make Warming – See Graphs of the changes Here

UK HadCRUT, US NASA GISS, US NCDC, AustraliaMet ALL Altered Their Temperature Data Records to Make Warming – See Graphs Here

Written by Paul Litely at Paullitely.com

These tweets link to a site that clearly shows with
how temperature records were and are manipulated all over the world. The early half of the 1900’s were made to look colder while the last half of the 1900’s are made to look warmer, right into the 2000’s. Peaks of warming in the past were clipped off. Troughs of cooling were also clipped off, all to create a warming trend, to suppress the effects of ocean El Ninos and La Mina’s, and to enable new “Record” High temperatures today. So now we can see how claims are made today that new record warm temperatures are happening…. when they are not. We can also see how the long straight handle of the “Hockeystick” IPCC graphs are made from past S curves. Their models cannot even predict the PAST. Who can you trust if they change the actual Raw measurements in an obvious slant to match their story?
Click on the links below to see how nearly all “Authorities” on temperature records have tilted or clipped their records to make warming that does not exist. Their patterns are obviously self-serving.

One justification given for making “Homogenizing” adjustments is because some thermometers used started out in open areas, but paving and buildings were added nearby. They call this the “heat island” effect, because replacing soil and greenery with Manmade structures adds heat. However, this would only justify LOWERING recent measurements to compensate. What we observe is lowering earlier measurements and raising recent measurements. That is opposite of the “Heat Island”effect, so is plainly arbitrary change to support their Global Warming agenda. Notably, there has been such scrutiny of recent measurements that this “Fudging” no longer can be done.

For current articles with more proof of misrepresentations of the raw measurements, go to my Twitter @paullitely to see more. A common technique today is to omit measurements of temperature and Ice and sea level, etc for the most recent years after 2012. Recent years trends have shown dramatic cooling Temperatures, and return of arctic ice to even above average. Severe warm weather weather event tornados and hurricanes have become much less common. This does not support the Global Warming agenda, so recent measurements are being delayed publication as long as possible.

Twitter @paullitely: < US NCDC May2008-Sep2014 temperature records altered showing more #CO2 #globalwarming #climatechange
GRAPH OF CHANGES MADE http://www.climate4you.com/images/NCDC%20MaturityDiagramSince20080517.gif

Twitter @paullitely: http://www.climate4you.com/images/HadCRUT3+4%20MaturityDiagramSince20080225.gif EastAnglia HadCRUT FEB2008-AUG2014 #temperaturedata record altered showing more #CO2 #globalwarming #climatechange

Twitter @paullitely: http://www.climate4you.com/images/GISS%20MaturityDiagramSince20080517.gif NASA GoddardInSpaceStudies May2008-Sep2014 alters temperature record showing more #CO2 #globalwarming #climatechange

Twitter @paullitely: http://www.climate4you.com/images/GISS%20ChangeVersion3minus2.gif NASA GoddardInstituteSpaceStudies Nov2011 altered temperature record showing more #CO2 #globalwarming #climatechange

NASA GISS ARTICLE: http://notrickszone.com/2012/03/01/data-tamperin-giss-caught-red-handed-manipulaing-data-to-produce-arctic-climate-history-revision/

Twitter @paullitely: http://www.climate4you.com/images/NCDC%20ChangeVersion2-3Diagram201104-201105.gif US NCDC April 2011 altered temperature records showing more #CO2 #globalwarming #climatechange

Twitter @paullitely: #Australia “Scientists” Caught Red-Handed making up #CO2 #globalwarming trends http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2014/09/19/australian-meteorologists-caught-fudging-numbers

Twitter @paullitely: #Australia again way out front -now- on #deadly #globalcooling Don’t trust Bureau of Meteorology, says Abbott govt http://reneweconomy.com.au/2014/dont-trust-bureau-of-meteorology-says-abbotts-business-advisor-54948

Climatologist Summarizes Global Warming As an Investigator.

Here is a link to a summary of what is happening in the search for a complete picture of the Global Warming controversy by a Respected Climatologist.  He has written a book about his findings, based on the Assumption there will be extreme Global Warming.



Almost Daily New Recognition of Deliberate Changes to the Temperature Records to MAKE it appear the Earth is Warming

Almost Daily New Recognition of Deliberate Changes to the Temperature Records to MAKE it appear the Earth is Warming

There is no No human made CO2 Globalwarming: Fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever – More experts and Journalists are simply looking at the raw measurements with astonishment.


The Truth Behind Temperature Records Used for ALL Global Warming Claims

Although it has been emerging for seven years or more, one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never hit the headlines. Yet another little example of it lately caught my eye when, in the wake of those excited claims that 2014 was “the hottest year on record”, I saw the headline on a climate blog: “Massive tampering with temperatures in South America”. The evidence on Notalotofpeopleknowthat, uncovered by Paul Homewood, was indeed striking.

Puzzled by those “2014 hottest ever” claims, which were led by the most quoted of all the five official global temperature records – Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) – Homewood examined a place in the world where Giss was showing temperatures to have risen faster than almost anywhere else: a large chunk of South America stretching from Brazil to Paraguay.

Noting that weather stations there were thin on the ground, he decided to focus on three rural stations covering a huge area of Paraguay. Giss showed it as having recorded, between 1950 and 2014, a particularly steep temperature rise of more than 1.5C: twice the accepted global increase for the whole of the 20th century.

But when Homewood was then able to check Giss’s figures against the original data from which they were derived, he found that they had been altered. Far from the new graph showing any rise, it showed temperatures in fact having declined over those 65 years by a full degree. When he did the same for the other two stations, he found the same. In each case, the original data showed not a rise but a decline.

Homewood had in fact uncovered yet another example of the thousands of pieces of evidence coming to light in recent years that show that something very odd has been going on with the temperature data relied on by the world’s scientists. And in particular by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has driven the greatest and most costly scare in history: the belief that the world is in the grip of an unprecedented warming.

How have we come to be told that global temperatures have suddenly taken a great leap upwards to their highest level in 1,000 years? In fact, it has been no greater than their upward leaps between 1860 and 1880, and 1910 and 1940, as part of that gradual natural warming since the world emerged from its centuries-long “Little Ice Age” around 200 years ago.

This belief has rested entirely on five official data records. Three of these are based on measurements taken on the Earth’s surface, versions of which are then compiled by Giss, by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and by the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit working with the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction, part of the UK Met Office. The other two records are derived from measurements made by satellites, and then compiled by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) in California and the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH).

The adjusted graph from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies

In recent years, these two very different ways of measuring global temperature have increasingly been showing quite different results. The surface-based record has shown a temperature trend rising up to 2014 as “the hottest years since records began”. RSS and UAH have, meanwhile, for 18 years been recording no rise in the trend, with 2014 ranking as low as only the sixth warmest since 1997.

One surprise is that the three surface records, all run by passionate believers in man-made warming, in fact derive most of their land surface data from a single source. This is the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN), managed by the US National Climate Data Center under NOAA, which in turn comes under the US Department of Commerce.

But two aspects of this system for measuring surface temperatures have long been worrying a growing array of statisticians, meteorologists and expert science bloggers. One is that the supposedly worldwide network of stations from which GHCN draws its data is flawed. Up to 80 per cent or more of the Earth’s surface is not reliably covered at all. Furthermore, around 1990, the number of stations more than halved, from 12,000 to less than 6,000 – and most of those remaining are concentrated in urban areas or places where studies have shown that, thanks to the “urban heat island effect”, readings can be up to 2 degrees higher than in those rural areas where thousands of stations were lost.

Below, the raw data in graph form

To fill in the huge gaps, those compiling the records have resorted to computerised “infilling” or “homogenising”, whereby the higher temperatures recorded by the remaining stations are projected out to vast surrounding areas (Giss allows single stations to give a reading covering 1.6 million square miles). This alone contributed to the sharp temperature rise shown in the years after 1990.

But still more worrying has been the evidence that even this data has then been subjected to continual “adjustments”, invariably in only one direction. Earlier temperatures are adjusted downwards, more recent temperatures upwards, thus giving the impression that they have risen much more sharply than was shown by the original data.

An early glaring instance of this was spotted by Steve McIntyre, the statistician who exposed the computer trickery behind that famous “hockey stick” graph, beloved by the IPCC, which purported to show that, contrary to previous evidence, 1998 had been the hottest year for 1,000 years. It was McIntyre who, in 2007, uncovered the wholesale retrospective adjustments made to US surface records between 1920 and 1999 compiled by Giss (then run by the outspoken climate activist James Hansen). These reversed an overall cooling trend into an 80-year upward trend. Even Hansen had previously accepted that the “dust bowl” 1930s was the hottest US decade of the entire 20th century.

Assiduous researchers have since unearthed countless similar examples across the world, from the US and Russia to Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, an 80-year cooling of 1 degree per century was turned into a warming trend of 2.3 degrees. In New Zealand, there was a major academic row when “unadjusted” data showing no trend between 1850 and 1998 was shown to have been “adjusted” to give a warming trend of 0.9 degrees per century. This falsified new version was naturally cited in an IPCC report (see “New Zealand NIWA temperature train wreck” on the Watts Up With That science blog, WUWT, which has played a leading role in exposing such fiddling of the figures).

By far the most comprehensive account of this wholesale corruption of proper science is a paper written for the Science and Public Policy Institute, “Surface Temperature Records: Policy-Driven Deception?”, by two veteran US meteorologists, Joseph D’Aleo and WUWT’s Anthony Watts (and if warmists are tempted to comment below this article online, it would be welcome if they could address their criticisms to the evidence, rather than just resorting to personal attacks on the scientists who, after actually examining the evidence, have come to a view different from their own).

One of the more provocative points arising from the debate over those claims that 2014 was “the hottest year evah” came from the Canadian academic Dr Timothy Ball when, in a recent post on WUWT, he used the evidence of ice-core data to argue that the Earth’s recent temperatures rank in the lowest 3 per cent of all those recorded since the end of the last ice age, 10,000 years ago.

In reality, the implications of such distortions of the data go much further than just representing one of the most bizarre aberrations in the history of science. The fact that our politicians have fallen for all this scary chicanery has given Britain the most suicidally crazy energy policy (useless windmills and all) of any country in the world.

But at least, if they’re hoping to see that “universal climate treaty” signed in Paris next December, we can be pretty sure that it is no more going to happen than that 2014 was the hottest year in history.

Hottest Year 2014 Biased on Sparse Global Thermometer Coverage

The Hottest Year 2014 Claim is Biased on Sparse Global Thermometer Coverage, and not on more accurate and complete Satellite Temperature Measuring.

Hottest Year Claims Based On Sparse Coverage.

DETAILS! 2014 US Climate Report shows Clear Temperature Data Tampering by NOAA & National Climate Data Center  (NCDC), to MAKE CLIMATE WARMING

2014 US Climate Report.

Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

By Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson and Willie Soon

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine,

2251 Dick George Road,

Cave Junction, Oregon 97523


Click on page


(OR, Click on the Link Below)


We are Being Led Toward a Fantasy Future While We Should Be Preparing for a Different Deadly Climate

Written by Paul Litely at Paullitely.com

The idea of “Energy Storage” in the oceans, or anywhere else on Earth without increased Solar heating at the surface is not evident. What is evident is that The Earth’s 97% Dominant greenhouse gas is water vapor. It is so dominant that it is the only significant greenhouse gas.  It is not controlled by trace greenhouse gasses such as CO2.  I understand this is not what we have been told, but bear with me here.  Because water vapor transforms into clouds, it is impossible for the Earth’s temperature to runaway. More heat makes more clouds, and that makes more shade, to keep it in balance.

The dissipation of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere by upward radiation to space is enormous. The reflection of the Sun’s energy  off of clouds, back out into space is enormous. This heat has to be replaced daily by the Sun to keep the Earth from cooling. The dissipation of heat can only be balanced when the Earths “Venetian Blinds”, meaning the Cloud Cover, opens up so the surface of the Earth’s land and oceans can be absorb the Sun’s direct infrared radiation and be warmed

Today’s very low and rapidly declining activity of the Sun is indirectly increasing the Earth’s average cloudiness, driving us into a very cold future climate. The mechanism for this has only recently been understood. Cloud cover will be shading us increasingly Until the Sun finishes flipping North and South poles, as it does approximately every 200 years. It will take a while to finish the flip it has started. It may take 70 years, as it did in the 1600’s. Many, many people will freeze and starve unless we can have inexpensive energy for heating and to transport food from warm climates to our cold latitudes. Canada and Northern Europe will have great difficulty, as well as Russia, and the Northern US.

All types of Fossil Fuels will be essential to survival, but Clean Burning may still be a priority, increasing the cost of that energy. Nuclear energy may make a resurgence, fulfilling the promise made decades ago. Of course, the same powers that are sucking us of our treasure today may be selling the fuel and food at higher prices, at the exaggerated and unfortunate expense of those who can least afford it. Political unrest may be inevitable as patience becomes opposite to survival. Benevolent leaders may prevent this, especially if they get a head start.

It is so obvious that our greedy political leaders and “Scientists”, led by those at the UN, continue the spread of misinformation and misdirection through the popular media for their own personal gain, They all want to get paid as long as possible before the weather proves the “Emperor Has No Clothes”. Major industries have been created with subsidies and grants and tax credits based on fears of the non-existent dominant CO2 Global Warming. Those industries, too, will feed the fairy tale until they can no longer hold on to what will be obvious lies.. Their credibility will be lost.
Without credible traditional political and scientific leaders, the public may go random or be susceptible to radical ideas. The anarchy desired by anti-establishment activists may come to pass, with disastrous consequences for us AND them. Look at what filled the vacuum left behind when stable governments and societal structures were shattered in the Middle East. Activists, just like terrorist extremists, believe they can step into the vacuum and establish a society based on THEIR utopian ideas. That is their stated and unstated goal. However, Utopias are inherently unstable and doomed to failure because they attempt to enforce the denial of some elements of human nature and enforce the cultivation of other elements of human nature. They become manipulative.
All of human history has shown that all elements of human nature will always express themselves. Thank you, Shakespeare for your illuminating plays of passion. Totalitarian societies can be stable, while being undesirably intolerant and abusive, OR they can be benevolent. An unstable disorderly uncivilized undemocratic environment gives room for the worst elements of human nature to get a foothold by force or fiat, and be similarly intolerant and abusive. Unfortunately, self-serving or messianic characters are frequently successful in the struggle for dominance and power.
Truly democratic societies are flexible living things, and may swing from moderate extreme to moderate extreme, but they tend towards freedom of expression with protection from physical harm. What we have in the United States is not perfect, but is more perfect than what else is out there, and it deserves patience as it glacially moves to the will of the people, and hopefully to the vision of wise leaders. Of course, we get impatient. Bless us with wise leaders.
Hopefully, enough of those political and scientific leaders will see the light and
Then, those leaders can lead with informed clarity and dignity to help us prepare for the difficult and deadly climate future we have already entered.
We are being prepared by our leaders for the opposite of what we should be preparing for. We are facing Decades of deadly cold weather. Shame on them and God save us all. We have to prepare ourselves in spite of the misdirection and the ongoing waste of vast amounts of capital, both financial and human. We have to raise our own individual awareness of the misdirection by looking out the window at the weather and discovering indisputable facts. Then, we must question why it does not match up with the “Official” predictions. It is possible to question raw authority and make up our own minds from ALL the information available. We need to select leaders (VOTE) who are curious and informed and objective to be truly responsible for the welfare of their constituents. Dogmatism leads to dog days. Dishonest leaders take us to destinations of their benefit, not ours.
Earlier, Colder, Longer Winters have already begun. This means by definition that the Earth is cooling, regardless of occasional Summer heat spikes. Summer may all but disappear, as it did 200 years ago and 400 years ago, when the Sun previously flipped North and South poles. More ice is rapidly accumulating at the Earth’s poles. Let’s continue to watch them and other indicators of the Cooling of the Earth, while beneficial CO2 accumulates to fertilize green plants and trees. CO2 will ironically help to solve the world’s coming food crisis from shorter and colder growing seasons.